The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps
Single-channel video (20 mins) 單頻錄像(20 分鐘), 2021
online tour: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Jj7yEQSU1Vq
There was a time when I was constantly on the move. But in recent years I have been forced to stay. The rapid change in the outside world twists and pulls the quiet past, which occasionally emerges, almost detached from the present self. A line from a poem comes to my mind, but I cannot remember every word of it, nor can I read it again. I want to write a song that can soothe my soul, but I am not capable of doing so. Therefore, I can only create a forest planted with those barely-remembered memory pieces, letting the deer sleep inside.
The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps is made up of footage occasionally taken in different situations and places over the course of six to seven years, recorded with portable filming tools such as mobile phones, DV, cameras, and toy cameras. Some parts of the sound is composed of fragments of ambience and also music being played on site when the videos were recorded. While they are assembled with parts that are composed of sounds and noise that I played with immature skills and not-well-functioning/broken musical instruments like guitar, erhu and bass recorder. The footage can be looped for about 20 times a day; the electronic files do not seem to wear out easily and the images will remain identical. However, if the footage itself is shot nineteen times over, something may be lost and something may emerge.
2021 Noble Rot, Group Exhibition, Para Site, Hong Kong
2021 Memory as Border/less, Online Screening, Ge•stell , Taiwan
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The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps:Revisit no.5
在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no.5
The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps:Revisit no.7
在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no.7
The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps:Revisit no.19
在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no.19
The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps: Revisit no.1-19 is a series of video reshooting the video The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps. That is, in The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps : Revisit no.1, The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps is being reshot with handheld DV camera when it's being played on a computer monitor ; in The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps : Revisit no.2, The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps: Revisit no.1 is being reshot with the same method as the previous, and so on. During an exhibition where The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps is displayed as video installation, the video could be looped for about 20 times a day; the electronic files do not seem to wear out easily and the images will remain identical. The footage could be so easily repeated as such, which is so different from the inevitable deviation and incomprehensible strangeness derived from repeatedly recounting a piece of memory. However, if the footage itself is shot nineteen times over, something may be lost, as if it's a burial of something, while something as well may emerge.
About The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps :
There was a time when I was constantly on the move. But in recent years I have been forced to stay. The rapid change in the outside world twists and pulls the quiet past, which occasionally emerges, almost detached from the present self. A line from a poem comes to my mind, but I cannot remember every word of it, nor can I read it again. I want to write a song that can soothe my soul, but I am not capable of doing so. Therefore, I can only create a forest planted with those barely-remembered memory pieces, letting the deer sleep inside.
The Forest Where the Deer Sleeps is made up of footage occasionally taken in different situations and places over the course of six to seven years (from 2014 to 2021), recorded with portable filming tools such as mobile phones, DV, cameras, and toy cameras. Some parts of the sound is composed of fragments of ambience and also music being played on site when the videos were recorded. While they are assembled with parts that are composed of sounds and noise that I played with immature skills and not-well-functioning/broken musical instruments like guitar, erhu and bass recorder. The video was made during the pandemic when there’s lockdown everywhere and also during the times of drastic political change in Hong Kong.
《在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no.1-19 》是一系列重複拍攝《在森林酣睡的鹿》的錄像:《在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no.1 》以手提攝錄機拍攝電腦屏幕上播放中的《在森林酣睡的鹿》,然後《在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no. 2 》以同樣方法拍攝《在森林酣睡的鹿: 重回 no.1 》,如此類推。在某一次放置《在森林酣睡的鹿》錄像裝置的展覽中,一天之中這段錄像大概能播放20次,電子檔案似乎不會輕易耗損,影像依然會一模一樣,如此輕易的重複著。不同於我們重複訴說一段記憶時無可避免的偏差甚至衍生的莫名陌生感,然而假如把同一段錄像重複拍攝19次,當中可能有些什麼會失去,恍如埋葬了什麼,也可能有些什麼會浮現。
2021 Noble Rot, Group Exhibition, Para Site, Hong Kong